

Morita, Atsuro

2014  The Ethnographic Machine: Experimenting with Context and Comparison in Strathernian Ethnography. Science, Technology and Human Values 39(2):214–235.

Mohacsi, Gergely

2014  Ecologies of Care: Topics, Methods and Challenges. In Ecologies of Care: Innovations through Technologies, Collectives and the Senses. Mohacsi Gergely, ed. pp.3–7. Osaka: Osaka University.

Mohacsi, Gergely

2014  We Always Connect With Worlds: Japanese Drugs, Hungarian Bodies, and the Effects of Comparison. In Ecologies of Care: Innovations through Technologies, Collectives and the Senses. Mohacsi Gergely, ed. pp.257–271. Osaka: Osaka University.


Mohacsi, Gergely

2013  The Adiponectin Assemblage: An Anthropological Perspective on Pharmacogenomics in JapanEast Asian Science and Technology Studies 7(2):261–281, 2013.

Morita, Atsuro

2013  Traveling Engineers, Machines and Comparisons: Intersecting Imaginations and Journeys in the Thai Local Engineering Industry. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 7(2):221–241.

Mohacsi, Gergely and Atsuro Morita

2013  Traveling Comparisons: Ethnographic Reflections on Science and TechnologyEast Asian Science, Technology and Society 7(2):175–183.

Mohacsi, Gergely and Atsuro Morita

2013  Introduction: Translational Movements. NatureCulture 2:1–5.

Morita, Atsuro and Gergely Mohacsi

2013  Translations on the Move: A Review Article. NatureCulture 2:6–22.


Jensen, Casper B. and Atsuro Morita

2012  Japanese Anthropology and the “Turn to Ontology”: An Introduction. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2(2): 358–370.

Morita, Atsuro

2012  Rethinking Technics and the Human: An Experimental Reading of Classic Texts on Technology. NatureCulture 1:40–58.

Mohacsi Gergely

2012  Entangled Knowledges: Three Modes of Articulating Differences in Clinical Trials. In CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility. Vol. 5., 232-–244.Tokyo: Keio University, Centre for Advanced Research on Logic and Sensibility.

Morita, Atsuro, Anders Blok and Shuhei Kimura

2012  Environmental Infrastructures of Emergency: The Formation of a Civic Radiation Monitoring Map during the Fukushima Disaster. In Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi: Social, Political and Environmental Issues. Richard Hindmarsh, ed. pp.78–96. London: Routledge.


Mohacsi Gergely

2011  「代謝を生きる―移動性をめぐる実験的考察」『文化人類学』76(3):288–307。(Life of the Metabolism: An Experimental Inquiry into Mobility, Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology)

モハーチ ゲルゲイ・森田 敦郎(Mohacsi Gergely and Morita Atsuro)

2011  「比較を生きることについて—ポストプルーラル人類学へ向けて」『哲学』125: 263–284、2011。(Comparison as a Form of Life: Towards a Post-plural Anthropology, Keio Journal of Philosophy.)

モハーチ ゲルゲイ(Mohacsi Gergely)

2011  「病気の通約—血糖自己測定の実践における現実としての批判」『現実批判の人類学―新世代のエスノグラフィへ』春日直樹編、pp. 203-–224、世界思想社、2011。(Commensurating Disease: self-measurement of blood glucose as a form of criticism, In Anthropology and the Critique of Reality. Naoki Kasuga ed.)