7th Workshop



7th Ethnographies of Science & Technology Workshop

A Dialogue between Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and Japanese Anthropology


Date and Time: Saturday, April 19, 13:00-17:30
Venue: Room 102, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Access: http://www.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/e/institute/access-institute/access_e.htm



Along with Bruno Latour and Andrew Pickering, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger has left a significant impact on science studies and anthropology. The second edition of “Anthropology as Cultural Critique” by George Marcus and Michael Fisher, for example, recast “the experimental moment” of anthropology by referring to the dynamism of experimentation in natural sciences. The influence of Rheinberger’s notion of “experimental systems” is certainly behind this substantial shift of emphasis. An experimental system consists of heterogeneous elements such as concepts, devices, the technical system and organisation of the laboratory and serves as a basic unit for scientific exploration. Based on existing knowledge and technology, it generates unforeseen outputs and creates new scientific objects, which Rheinberger calls ‘epistemic things’. The workshop consists of a lecture by Rheinberger and two anthropological papers on experimental systems and aims to explore implications of Rheinberger’s work to anthropology and ethnographic STS.




“Introduction: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Experimental Systems and Ethnography of Technoscience”
Atsuro Morita (Osaka University)


“Writing the History of the Life Sciences with Experimental Systems”
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)

ABSTRACT: It is generally accepted that the development of the modern sciences is rooted in experiment. Yet for a long time, experimentation did not occupy a prominent role, neither in philosophy nor in history of science. With the “practical turn” in studying the sciences and their history, the situation has changed. This paper is concerned with experimental systems and the cultures they form. In the first part of the paper, I look at the forms of historical and structural coherence that characterizes the experimental approach to epistemic objects. In the second part, I briefly expose a particular experimental culture in the life sciences. I will give a survey of what it means and what it takes to analyze biological functions in the test tube.

14:40~15:00 Coffee Break


“Cells between Liveliness and Instrumentality:Onomatopoeia and Care in a Japanese Stem Cell laboratory”
Wakana Suzuki (Osaka University)


“Care as an Experimental System: An Anthropological Experiment”
Gergely Mohácsi(Osaka University)

ABSTRACT: My aim in this paper is to direct the important historical and epistemological insights about the experimental knowing of the world back to the issue of experimentation. I propose to look at the constitutive role of care in two different experimental settings: a university hospital in Japan and a clinical trial centre in Western Hungary. I will explore how Japanese medicines and Hungarian bodies become enmeshed in each other through care, experiment and comparison, forcing the anthropologist to reconsider her own methodological frames and tools.


Wrap-up discussion


Open to public. Admission Free. No registration is required.
This event will be held in English (without translation).
For further details contact: Atsuro Morita (morita@hus.osaka-u.ac.jp)





第7回 科学技術の民族誌研究会




【日時】4月19日 13:00~17:30
【会場】京都大学人文科学研究所 102号室



LatourやPickeringと並んで科学的実験におけるダイナミックな存在論に光を当てたHans-Jörg Rheinbergerは、科学史とSTSだけでなく、人類学にも大きな影響を与えてきた。例えば、Goerge Marcus と Michael Fisher は『文化批判としての人類学』の第二版(1999年)で人類学が直面する「実験的な時代」を、文字通り科学の実験のダイナミズムをとおしてとらえ直すことを主張している。この転換の背後には、Rheinbergerによる生物学における「実験システム(experimental systems)」の歴史研究の影響がある。実験システムとは、概念、実験装置、実験を支える技術システム、研究室組織、スキルなどからなる異種混合的なシステムで、既存の知識と技術をベースにしながら未知の対象と驚きを生み出す、科学探求の基礎ユニットである。本ワークショップでは、Rheiberger氏本人による講演とこの概念に焦点を当てた人類学者によるふたつの発表をとおして、実験システム概念の人類学と民族誌的なSTSへのインプリケーションを考察する。

■ 使用言語:英語
■ 申し込み:不要
■ 問い合わせ先:morita@hus.osaka-u.ac.jp